Aug 26Liked by Andrew Doyle

Thank you so much for interviewing Sall Grover and posting it here to view. I always appreciate the clarity and thoughtfulness of your questions, and of course Sall Grover is phenomenally articulate in response. These are indeed bizarre times.

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In some ways it’s bizarre, in other ways, it’s the age old story of misogyny only this time it’s dressed up with lipstick, frilly frocks and a huge dollop of delusion.

Sall Grover is amazing, thanks for interviewing her. She needs the support of all sane people.

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Excellent interview Andrew. Sal is a true freedom fighter.

Thank goodness people like Sal and you continue to push back against the madness. We all need to speak up if we can do so without suffering consequences that would wreck our lives.

Women no longer exist if all men can become women. Without the right to exclude non-members of a group, that group becomes amorphous and identity-less. A group with an unstable identity has no ability to defend its rights. Imagine a Black rights group being forced to accept white people who “identify” as black. No court in the land would support that.

Then imagine a child care centre being forced to accept men who “identify” as children. Imagine a nanny being forced to change the nappy of a grown man with a nappy fetish. These are not outlandish propositions. Inevitably there’ll be further moves towards breaking down boundaries on the strength of this momentous success for men in the privileged category of “Queer” or “Trans””.

This is not inclusion, it’s transgression, plain and simple. If we complain about it, the state will take further measures to restrict our speech. But we must speak anyway.

Bring on the appeal! Go Sal!

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“This is not inclusion, it’s transgression, plain and simple. If we complain about it, the state will take further measures to restrict our speech. But we must speak anyway.”


In the case of Tickle, it’s a transgression for sure, also a deliberately provocative move against societal norms and a slow burn aggressive one with more than a whiff of misogyny at that. Why else would he join up to Giggle but not join in? Why else appeal in court without first appealing to the moderator? It seems to me that he was waiting quietly for the excuse to litigate. Maybe we need a new word to describe this phenomenon… transaggression!

Transaggression - A deliberately provocative and aggressive transgression of a societal norm, typically by a transperson. Transaggresive act - the deliberate attempt by a man who identifies as a woman to diminish women’s rights or to incite violence against a woman. For example, the act of infiltrating or attempting to infiltrate a women only space in order to litigate if excluded, or the use of a public platform to call upon the gathered crowd to punch a woman (or as uttered “a TERF”).

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I agree and I also wonder if this isn’t a coordinated strategy, backed by the super wealthy interests that stand to gain politically and economically from this whole movement. This judge’s determination that humans can change sex is a momentous one. I shudder to think what will flow from it.

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Great interview, thank you for sharing it! Sall is brilliant and very articulate, I'm also impressed by how calm she remains amidst this utter madness.

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It’s not harmless when mainstream news outlets (including places like Scientific American) say that men can become women.

I’ve argued with someone about the origins of AIDS: that it is caused by a virus. I can cite lots of sources to back this up but he retorts that “Right, the same people that say a man can become a woman.”

They’re degrading the whole concept of scientific knowledge.

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After watching this I searched you on YouTube, watched a stand up and then a conversation you had with Douglas Murray 4 years ago 'Resisting Wokeness' where you said a number of times that you are hopeful.

You are so sensible, articulate, astute and very very funny. But are you still hopeful?

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