The West has abandoned those women and girls to a terrible fate while it spends its time debating what a woman is. The decline of Western civilisation and the related cowardice is sad to see. It's all strangely similar to Sir Edward Grey's comment in 1914 when he observed the lamps going out all over Europe.

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Sep 6·edited Sep 7

why should we fight for these women if their own fathers, husbands, brothers and sons did not? It is honestly a horrid situation but such is the price society pays when it embraces this or that ideology. In this case islamic extremism and conformity.

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Why not

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Sep 6·edited Sep 8

If this was in the West this would be hailed by the intersectional activists as brave anticolonial and antifascist fourth-veil feminist activists in women safe spaces

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Islam: indisputable the religion of humanity......er, or not

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