Precisely the kind of intelligent discussion that should be the norm.

Brendan’s observation on “cartoonish” figures is apt and I’m reminded of the book, “Amusing Ourselves to Death” by Neil Postman (published circa 1984).

A dystopian view of America as an entertainment culture where people can no longer distinguish between what’s important and what’s trivial.

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For sure it was Trump who got the latest assassination attempt but let’s not forget that he unleashed a mob onto Congress that was credibly out to “string up” Trump’s own Vice President, who had the temerity to uphold the law and say no to Trump.

At least the Democrats have condemned the attacks on Trump’s life and the president’s office actually increased Trump’s protection. Trump couldn’t even condemn the attack on Pence and Congress. I think it’s pretty clear which of the two candidates spouts the most actively dangerous rhetoric, and it isn’t the lady.

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It's a choice between Miaoism or Kitler.

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