Perfectly stated, Andrew. Thank you so much for calling out not only the violent behavior, but also its unconscionable normalization by public and private institutions alike.

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Last year, when Graham Norton engaged in the slimy "Cancel culture doesn't exist, it's just consequence culture" narrative, he was then asked about the abuse JK Rowling receives. He did what most comedians with a big mouth on most topics do when the narrative becomes inconvenient, he claimed that he was just a comedian.

If the cause you're supporting prevents you from speaking out against rape threats, I'd suggest you're not just a reprehensible coward but a hostage to a sadistic movement.

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Andrew is absolutely right. These men are not simply bullies, they are dangerous. Consequently my admiration for women like Posy and JK is boundless. They are truly brave.

Off topic I know, but I would really like to know the answer to this: how do these men who think they are women know how it feels to be a woman? I’m a woman yet I have no idea how it ‘feels’ to be one. I guess I know how it feels to be me and that’s about it. I know that biologically I’m female with all that goes with it. I know that I’m heterosexual. But it’s not a ‘feeling’ or an ‘emotion’, it just is. Your thoughts please ladies. If I may still call you that.

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Hi Veronica, your question goes to the heart of this whole issue and your answer is spot on and indisputable. Kind regards, Peter

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Thank you.

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Superb Andrew, thank you. And if it wasn’t for the likes of the BBC completely ignoring this issue and the violence that accompanies it, the public may have woken up to the dangers of the ideology a lot sooner. Nothing says ‘male rights movement’ more than men threatening violence.

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The trans movement is not a movement for transsexuals, it is a male rights movement run by women-haters who are succeeding in removing women’s rights to safety, dignity, privacy, fair sport, and political representation while fooling children into becoming lifelong medical cash cows and supporters of their movement by irreversibly mutilating their bodies.

Women weren’t just given rights, in the uk they fought, were imprisoned, tortured by the state, and even died to win those rights. Now, by erasing our legal and statistical existence the so-called trans movement is removing every sex based right we have - the rights that support women to fight for a life as free human beings in a world created by and for men.

This is not a drill. Patriarchy is and has always been enforced by violence and the threat of violence. Why do you expect this latest backlash to be any different?

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Spot on, as usual! The blatant hypocrisy would be laughable, if it wasn't so depressing.

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Thank you, Andrew, for keeping a record of this insanity. Your work is invaluable.

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What you say about trans activism is correct, Andrew, but that activism is not indicative of the many trans individuals I know in the UK and Ireland. They understand reality -including biological reality- and the difference between sex and gender. They fully appreciate and respect that sex categories were introduced in sport in recognition of physical differences between men and women. For them, it's about the battle for hearts and minds rather than forced acceptance accompanied by shouts of transphobia and bigotry. Their biggest concern is that the increased understanding and acceptance in society that has been the hallmark of the past 20 or so years is in danger of facing a massive backlash. Trans activists don't care about that backlash -in fact, they would welcome it- because they are not concerned with building a better world for everyone but with fanning the flames of polarisation and divisiveness in society.

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'Well said! The last sentence is brilliant.

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Well said ,Andrew. The behavior that many of them display in full view of the public, let alone social media , is outrageous and SHOULD be condemned and deplored by EVERYONE.Sadly ,much if the media are such craven cowards that they choose to go along with the herd ,and I swear that even if the bodies of murdered women were piled high in front of them they would turn a blind eye. Shame on THEM !! Thanks ,Andrew. Keep speaking up ,please x

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Thanks , Andrew.

Having been present at LWS rallies I can confirm what you say from first hand experience.

I concur with your final para:'Given the sheer volume of evidence, it is now indisputable that violence has been normalised among trans activists and their supporters. It’s about time that mainstream commentators condemned such tactics rather than pretending this is simply a civil rights movement like any other. ' I don't think any of the mainstream media have covered the attack on KJK on Saturday!!

I covered it hot off the press here:



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One correction to my piece - Southampton Solent University have now said that they have not employed the attacker, Mr Lindsay, for several years and that they 'do not condone acts of violence.'

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I hate to make long long comments but it’s not hard to ask a question of ChatGPT

Can delusional people become violent when their delusion is contradicted? Four sentence summary.

Yes, delusional people can become violent when their delusion is contradicted, especially if they perceive the contradiction as a threat to their sense of reality. Delusions are often deeply ingrained and central to the person's identity. Challenging these beliefs can provoke anxiety, fear, or anger, leading to aggressive responses.

Name 20 instances of violent reaction to delusion contradiction, single sentence

Here are 20 instances where individuals under delusion reacted violently when their delusions were contradicted:

1. **John Hinckley Jr. (1981)**: Attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan, believing it would win the affection of actress Jodie Foster.

2. **Jared Lee Loughner (2011)**: Opened fire on U.S. Representative Gabby Giffords and others, driven by delusions about government mind control.

3. **Richard Chase (1970s)**: The "Vampire of Sacramento" killed several people, believing he needed to drink blood to survive after contradictions to his delusional thinking.

4. **Andrea Yates (2001)**: Drowned her five children, believing she was saving them from eternal damnation after her religious delusions were challenged.

5. **Mark David Chapman (1980)**: Murdered John Lennon, driven by delusions that Lennon was a phony and that his murder would cleanse the world.

6. **James Holmes (2012)**: Opened fire in a Colorado movie theater, believing he was the Joker and reacting violently to perceived slights against him.

7. **David Berkowitz (1976-77)**: The "Son of Sam" killed multiple people, claiming a demon in his neighbor's dog instructed him to kill when confronted about his irrational beliefs.

8. **Charles Manson (1969)**: Ordered the murder of several people, driven by delusions of an impending race war he called "Helter Skelter."

9. **Timothy McVeigh (1995)**: Bombed the Oklahoma City Federal Building after developing delusions about government tyranny and retribution.

10. **Seung-Hui Cho (2007)**: Carried out the Virginia Tech shooting, believing he was avenging perceived wrongs against him by classmates.

11. **Colin Ferguson (1993)**: Shot passengers on a Long Island Rail Road train, believing he was being persecuted because of his race.

12. **Adam Lanza (2012)**: Carried out the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting after retreating into delusions about societal collapse and isolation.

13. **Jill Dando’s Stalker (1999)**: A delusional man named Barry George was initially convicted of murdering British TV presenter Jill Dando after becoming fixated on her.

14. **Scott Panetti (1992)**: A man suffering from schizophrenia murdered his in-laws, believing he was engaged in a spiritual battle against evil forces.

15. **Robert Bardo (1989)**: Stalked and murdered actress Rebecca Schaeffer after developing delusions that she was sending him secret messages through her roles.

16. **Russell Weston Jr. (1998)**: Stormed the U.S. Capitol and killed two police officers, believing he was on a mission to stop a government conspiracy.

17. **John Allen Muhammad (2002)**: The D.C. sniper, believed to be motivated in part by paranoid delusions about societal collapse and government oppression.

18. **Nikolas Cruz (2018)**: Committed the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, driven by violent fantasies and delusional thinking about being a misunderstood outcast.

19. **Rodger Elliot (2014)**: Carried out a mass shooting in Isla Vista, California, driven by delusions of being unfairly rejected by women and society.

20. **James Huberty (1984)**: Opened fire in a San Ysidro McDonald’s, killing 21 people, after believing he was the victim of government mind control and societal rejection.

These instances showcase how delusional individuals can react violently when their delusions are challenged or contradicted, often leading to tragic consequences.

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So true thankyou Andrew look forward to seeing you in Lisbon

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I've never seen a single sex denialist condemn any of their movement's actual violence nor any of the violent rhetoric and threats. It is a violent, perverted, woman-hating movement to its core. Intimidation and bullying are its primary strategies because it knows there is no other way to force people to deny reality.

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Narcissistic psychopaths get nowhere without codependent enablers

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In 2017 when Trump won. I got sucked into the fear that right wing nuts were going to attack us. HA! In my most fearful moment I never could have dreamed up this malevolence. The women who back them up are their flying monkeys.

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The fkg double standard is outrageous and undeniable. I shouldn't have read this article. I am now fucking STUCK with a rage that is - I will keep it to myself. I worked my ass off for over forty years w a bad anger management problem. Jobs, relationship s, my reputation. I paid a wicked price. In 2018. after years of work and growth I had a relapse. It didn't matter that I was provoked, It wasn't ok that I tried to twist my sister's nose off her f'n face. I should have walked away. The knowledge of how much they hate us is jaw dropping. I'm not wrapped tight enough to go to this kind of event.

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